Sunday, February 15, 2009


Another similar kind of Leela:In 1917, during Vaishak month a doctor, his wife and son came to Shirdi. He hoped that Baba would drive away the evil spirit that tormented his son. In the Dwarkamai, the doctor thought that Baba's grinding of wheat and throwing it at the outskirts was futile and just a superstition.Baba reading his thoughts asked him to come at 3.00 P.M. Exactly at 3.00 P.M. he and his family went to Dwarakamai. The doctor and his son sat and started massaging Baba's legs upon Baba's orders. Just then, an ugly, devilish looking lady came and grabbed his son, wanting to take him away.Baba, undaunted, gave her a blow with His satka. She fled, crying loudly. Baba then said, "She came to eat your son. She was deprived of her ration. I did not throw the flour at the outskirts today, as you thought it was unwanted. But I drove her away with My satka. Now she will not torment your son".The father and the son were filled with awe at Baba's Antarjnan and kindness. Then Baba gave them permission to go on the next day.

They will not do any harm to us.
Dear ReadersIn Sai Satcharitra Chapter 1,there is discription about the leela of Baba grinding wheat.Where Baba say's to 4 women "Go at once, to the village boundary and throw all the flour at the side of the brook there".And thus Baba prevents Cholera from invading Shirdi.Here is a conversation that Baba had with one of the lady devotee who came from Bombay to have Baba's darshan .Baba,Lakshmibai and Janabai were grinding wheat with the hand mill, when a lady from Bombay entered Dwarkamai. She sat beside them, and asked Baba if she too could grind the wheat. Baba said that she would get tired.Nonetheless, she was eager to grind as much as was possible. Baba asked Lakshmibai to let her grind the wheat. The lady was full of questions, and was eager to get answers from Baba.She started asking Baba, why the wheat was ground? Why He threw it at the village boundary?Baba said, "Akkabai Maaribai, Marriamma (i.e. dieties of cholera and smallpox) want to enter the village so I feed them on the other side of this village and prevent them from entering Shirdi. As they are propitiated, they do not enter Shirdi. Thus, I save My devotees."Then she asked whether there was 'Jari', 'Mari' (durdevatha=evil forces). Baba said, "Yes, there exists durdevatha, but they will not do any thing to us."She said that some people are dying because of durdevatha. To this, Baba said, "Durdevatha was scolding Me and insisting that she be allowed to enter this village so I requested the Almighty to give her the allotted person." "Are there evil spirits, Baba? When I was in Naigaon, in Bombay, an evil spirit would come from the side of the well and go to the room upstairs and disappear."The Omnipresent, Omniscient, Baba replied, "Yes. But they will not do anything to harm us." Then Baba told her that the spirit she saw, was that of the owner of the house. "He comes and goes upstairs and disappears where you delivered". The lady was astonished to hear all these facts and asked Baba how He knew them. "I know you from childhood, you have forgotten Me, but I do not forget. I call all My children to Me even if they are thousands of miles away. I look after all equally, be they good or bad."After a while she felt tired and asked Lakshmibai to resume the grinding. The lady returned to Bombay unafraid and assured of Baba's love and protection for her and her family.

You want proof of my divinity?
Dear readers,
Wish you all a happy Baba's day and happy Thursday .

In one of my previous post Tree of Gold there was Baba's updesh to Shama ‘‘Do not look at anyone with ‘Dosh -Drushti’ (a view to find faults). And, never ever try to find blemishes in a Satpurush. Then our tradition gets stained. Remain devoted only to your Guru. Have steadfast faith in him. And, in spite of this, always bend in front of others !’’

The following post today also hold same value with a little twist in the end .
It was year 1917 .Firoz was in high school ,when his parents made a pilgrimage to Shirdi.While returning ,they brought a photograph of Baba and prasad.On returning home the parents gave a glowing account of baba's divinity to the family .

Firoz heard all this and he wondered that,"they run after these baba's and sadhus,Will this Sai Baba help them spiritually and materially?".He also put a test to Baba thinking "If Baba is divine ,He will give me a sign." With this thought ,he went to sleep.That night he dreamt of Baba who said,"You want proof of my Divinity"Whether I am for real or not ?Your father has placed my photograph on the table.When you get up in the morning ,try and pick it up.Know for sure that I am real."The dream awakened him ,and he couldn't wait for dawn to break.In the morning ,he went to the dinning table and tried to pick up Baba's photograph.But the photograph was extremely heavy.The more he tried ,the heavier it got.The table itself was lifted off the floor ,but not the photograph.Then he realized that Baba was indeed divine.Later he started working in his fathers mill gratis.One day,he dreamt of Baba,who said,"You have been working in your father's mill for so long .You need to get a salary." The next day ,his uncle casually asked him if was getting paid for all the work he was doing .On hearing negative reply,his uncle started paying him two hundred rupees per month.Firoz did not meet Baba,but he was devoted to Him .He kept wondering ,what Shirdi looked like?One day ,while traveling by bus,he passed by Sai Baba lane in Santa Cruz.Intuitively,he knew that he would find his answer there.

Later he went to that lane and met Morehswar Pradhan ,who was very close to Baba,Pradhan readily and gladly answered all his question in great detail ,until he was satisfied.This way another sparrow was pulled at the feet of Sai Maharaj with HIS masters will.

Baba's Photo protects from theft .
This is another story of how Baba’s photo came in action to save his devotee.Plague had raged in Pimpalgaon.W.C Munge a lawyer due to fear of the plague had moved his family from Pimpalgaon to his farm house.One night a theft was in progress in his house. The thieves has very cleverly made a hole in the wall and the family was in sound sleep unaware of anything .In the same wall where the thieves had made a hole just above was hung Shirdi Sai Baba’s photograph.Very cleverly the thieves entered the room .One of them took small box below the bed and passed it to his fellow accomplice standing outside. This box had money worth Rs 200/-and some promissory note worth of Rs4000 /.Next he progressed in lifting a huge trunk which had family jewellery worth Rs10,000/ .This all Baba was watching from the wall above the bed.Seeing this happening at that very instant Baba appeared in his Dream and woke him and warned him of the theft .Munge knowing this started to shout on top of his voice .With this noise whole family, the servants and the watchmen all got up and chased the thieves .Next day small box was found in the field,the cash was missing but the promissory notes were intact.During that day night, he got a vision in his dream Shri Sai Baba, Shri Abdul Baba and another Fakir -strong personality appeared before him. Aftej some days, he visited Shirdi and took darshan of the same three persons of whom he has seen in his dream .Few days later Shri Datta Brahamchari of Kopargaon visited Munge for lunch .He told that the lost property was recovered, the police raided a Marwaris house and seized stolen good from him .The police officer also later arrived at Munge’s house and informed him of the raid and subsequently with proper identification Munge recovered his money. Again it strongly indicates Baba’s presence in His own photo and seeing HIM photo is seeing HIM in person .This clearly shows that Sai Baba was not only, safeguarding the interest of His devotees but also their belongings .Jai Sai Ram .
Dakshina returned manyfolds.

Dear ReaderBaba once asked Kaka for Rs.15/-, which he gladly gave it. Then Baba said, “if I take one rupee as Dakshina from anybody, I have to return it tenfold to him. I never take anything gratis. I never ask any one, indiscriminately, I only ask and take from him, whom the Fakir (My Guru) points out. If any one is indebted formerly to the Fakir, money is received from him. The donor gives i.e. sows his seeds, only to reap a rich harvest in future. Wealth should be the means to work out Dharma. If it is used for personal enjoyment, it is wasted. Unless you have given it before, you do not get it now. So, the best way to receive is to give. The giving, of Dakshina, advances Vairagya (non-attachment), and thereby Bhakti and Jnana. Give one and receive ten fold”.The same is mentioned in the following incident .We have read in Sai Satcharitra in Chapter 26 how the epileptic son of Shri Harish Chandra Pitale got cured by Divine grace of Sai Baba.and it was than that Baba told H.C Pitale about the 2 Rs which he had given earlier .Baba said"Bapu I have given you Rs.2/- earlier, keep these Rs.3/- along with them, and perform their proper puja, regularly. It will benefit you greatly". H.C Pitale could not understand however hard he tried to solve the mystery. Than his mother narrated to him how his father received RS 2/- from Swami Samarth and unraveled the mystery.When he was telling about his trip to Shirdi ,all family members had gathered to hear. His brother Vishnu .P Balwant was also there and a keen desire to visit Shirdi arose in him. He was working as Thalati in Ville Parle .In 1917 he decided to go to Shirdi .He went to fruit market and roamed every where to get unripe mangoes. finally he could get unripe and unblemished mangoes .He made all preparation to go to Shirdi. Thinking in his mind "If I get ripe mangoes they will spoil by the time I reach Shirdi, but these unripe mangoes will ripen there".While he reached Kopergaon, in Shirdi ,Baba was in Dwarkamyi with his devotee talking .All of sudden Dwarkamyi was filled with Aroma of sweet mangoes. The aroma was so strong that devotees wondered where the mangoes were kept. Baba did not say anything so they all waited. By that time Vishnu reached Shirdi .Kept mangoes and his belongings and left for Duli darshan.Seeing him Baba welcomed him saying “what have you brought for me? Where are the mangoes? Vishnu Pant was surprised and said "Baba the mangoes are in the room as they are unripe" to which Baba replied "Go and fetch them, can't you smell them?"He rushed to his room bought the mangoes and placed the basket before Baba, when it was opened to his surprise all the mangoes were ripened ready to eat. Pant stayed at Shirdi for three days. while leaving he made sure he had Rs.15/- for expenses for his return journey.While he was leaving he bought a photo of Baba, hoping that he would touch and return him .So he carried the photo to Dwarkamayi and waited for his turn .Baba beckoned him saying “Bhau give me Rs 15/-(the amount he wished to keep for his expenses)as dakshina".He immediately took out all the money and gave it to Baba.Baba asked him for the photo, took it and held it close to HIS heart and returned it giving him permission to leave, his joy knew no bound on receiving the photo .All was good but he was perplexed as to how he shall reach kopergaon as he had no money? So he decided to walk .When he was half a mile a tonga came by .The tongawala asked him"What are you doing walking in the heat of the day? You do not look like a villager?"Vishnu Pant replied "I am Thalati so I am going to the next village". The tonga driver laughed and said "Come and have a seat I will take you to Kopergaon". Vishnu Pant was relieved, and he reached Kopergaon. He alighted from the tonga and collected his belongings. He looked up to thank the tonga driver, but, the driver and the tonga had disappeared.He was in station and was trying to find someone whom he could know so that he can borrow some money, but he did not find any acquaintances ,train pulled in and what he could do? So he decided to travel ticket less and bear the consequences.When the next station came the Ticket collector looked at him and said "Namaskar, Pithale Saab". He could not recognize him. He feared since the Ticket Collector recognized him he would surely ask for his ticket and would cause a great deal of embracement. But no such thing happened, and he reached Bombay without any problem.The next day a huge automobile pulled up to his doorstep. A well dressed gentleman came to his home and enquired "Are you Thalati, Vishnu Pant Pithale?" Vishnu Pant was bewildered and thought "I must be in trouble now, why is he asking if I am the Thalati?" The gentleman said "I am J.R.D. Tata, I am in the process of buying land at Sahar (the present air-port). I have a huge staff on my pay roll but they can't transcribe the Marathi papers into English and vice-verse. I heard you are a capable Thalati and also bilingual".Vishnu Pant was aghast at what he said and nodded his head. Then the gentleman continued "as a Thalati you earn only Rs.35/- a month. If you agree to work for me I will give you Rs.150/- per a month". Quickly Vishnu Pant said "I will do this transcription for you, but give me two days to think about working for you". Tata said "Alright" then drove off.Vishnu pant was in turmoil now. "What if I give up my Government job with pension and benefits and this man does not keep his word? What if he dismisses me after his work is done?" he thought. He spent a restless night. Suddenly it dawned on him that Baba had emptied his pocket of Rs.15/- and was returning it ten fold.Two days later Tata's Secretary came to his home with the job 'appointment letter' and the details of the job benefits etc. And asked him to sign on the dotted line. He bowed to the photograph that Baba had blessed and signed.


In one of the entries of Sai Khaparde's Shirdi diary dated 17/1/1917 he writes "we went to the Chavdi for Kakad Arti. Megha was too ill to attend. So Bapu Sahib did the Arti. Sayin Baba showed his face and smiled most benignly. It was worth while spending year here to see it even once. I was overjoyed and stood gazing like mad". The feeling expressed here is so strong that it will move any Sai devotee. It is not possible to bring back those days, but one can go through experiences of various Sai devotees who had the good fortune of being in Baba's company during Shridi days.

One can gather that Baba was very soft spoken. Sri Khaparde writes that Sayin Sahib spoke with wonderful sweetness and smile so often with extraordinary sweet grace. When he used to be in good mood he used to sit chatting and laughing. He used to make jokes, Sai devotees are aware of Baba making jokes at the cost of devotees. In Sai Sat Charita chapter 24 Sri Dabholkar writes that all people generally like wit and humor, but they do not like that jokes should be cut at their expense. But Baba's method was peculiar. It was very interesting and instructive, and the people, therefore did not mind if they’re held up to the ridicule. After that he narrates the Chanakya Lila story. He narrates that Baba through his jokes advices us that before the senses, mind intellect enjoy their objects, He should be first remembered and if this be done, it is a way of making an offering to Him. This will help in removing the attachment for them. In the same chapter there is a story of another witty incident involving Anna Chinchanikar and Mausi Bai. In this incident also Baba asks as to what harm or impropriety is there, when a mother is kissed by a child. Probably He put forward that for the spritual upliftment of all women are to be seen as mothers.

Most of the time Baba was in a very pleasant mood. In this mood, he generally used to narrate some stories. In these stories he used to talk about previous births, or some parables or stories of his wandering. He used to show his grace to the devotees. In one entry date 6th January 1912 Mr. Khaparde writes "Sai Maharaj was in an exceptionally pleasant mood, made mystic signs to Megha and did what are known as "Drishti Pata" in yoga. Next day he writes "Sai Maharaj looked exceedingly pleased and gave yogic glances. I passed the whole day in a sort of ecstasy.” On some days his glances used to be conspious by their absence. Mr. Khaparde writes on 13th January 1912 “Sai Maharaj did not say a word today and not even throw the glance he usually does.” On the day Megha died on ­19th Jan. 1912. Mr. Khaparde writes that it was a sad day. The Kakad Arti was done, but never threw glances spreading grace.

In pleasant and relaxed mood He used to smoke and share His 'Chillum' with his devotees. One will find that not only he used to show his grace through his glances but also through his chillum. In the entry dated 12th January 1912 Mr. Khaparde writes that he was very gracious and repeatedly gave me smoke out of his pipe. It solved many of my doubts and I felt delighted. In Sai Sat Charitra Chapter 50 there is mention of Sri Balaram Dhurandhar. During one of his visits to Shirdi, Bala Ram sat near Baba, massaging his legs. Baba who was smoking the chillum advanced it towards him and beckoned him to smoke it. Bala Ram was not accustomed smoking. Still he accepted the pipe, smoked it with great difficulty and returned it reverentially with a bow. This was the most auspicious moment for Bala Ram. He was suffering from asthma for six years. This smoke completely cured the disease, which never troubled him. Some six years later one particular day, he again got an attack of asthma. ­This was precisely the time when Baba took ­Mahasamadhi. Baba used to smoke from others Hukka in a pleasant mood Sri Khaparde writes on 9th Decmber 1911" Sai Maharaj was in a pleasant mood. I took my Hukka there and Sai Maharja had a smoke out of it. He looked wonderfully beautiful at Arti time, but dismissed everyone very soon after it. He said he would come to dine with us.

During relaxed hours He organized music and dance. He himself also used to sing and dance at some occasions reminding others strongly of what lord Krishna did in GokuL How he used to bless these singers and dance parties is quite known to Sai devotees from the famous Madrasi Bhajan Mandali story in chapter 29 of Sai Sat Charita. Sri Khaparde has mentioned that many persons used to sing Bhajans before Baba. Once he mentioned about one Mr. Gokhle who came from Narsoba's wadi. He was directed to see Narain Maharaj of Kedgaon and Sai Maharaj. He sang very nicely and at night Mr. Khaparde got him to sing a few Bhajans. Sri Bhishma the author of Baba's Artis was a regular singer. There where occasional spiritually developed devotees such as Bramhandandi Bai. As discussed earlier Baba himself used to sing and dance. In Sai Sat Charita also there are mentions of Baba singing the famous Udi song or singing Bhajan for Pandharinath when Nana sahib Chandorkar's arrival and with his posting orders for Pandharpur. In the entry of 31 December 1912 Sri Khaparde writes he was in a very pleased mood, talked pleasantly, danced and sang and reminded me and other very strongly of what Lord Krishna did in GokuL One day Khaparde found that Sai Maharaj was sitting in the yard and a man was exhibiting some tricks taught to a monkey. There were also Professional singers and dancers. Later on came Bramhanandi Bai, his companion Salu Bai and Shivanand Shastri. They did the Puja and Bramhanandi Bai whom they call Maiya Sahib sang very beautifully. Sai Sahib ordered the "Sinhasan" to be brought and when all was arranged we stood spell bound. Sayin Sahib liked them. (Entry dated 7.2.1912) On 21st February 1912 there is a mention of a dancing women of Bombay arriving and singing a few songs in the masjid. She was a pupil of Balkrishna Bua.

His mood used to change occasionally showing shades of anger. But every time this anger proved to be for the benefit of one or the other devotee. Sri Khaparde records slight change in his mood in one of the entries dated 11th December 1910 he writes "My son told his friend Mr. Patwardhan that Sayin Maharaj accepted or refused fruits in proportion to the devotion with which they were offered. My son, Baba tried to tell this to me and wished to do the same to Patwerdhan this made a little noise and Sayin Maharaj looked at me with eyes that blazed and sparkled with anger. He demanded what I said and I replied that I was saying nothing and that children were talking with each other. He looked at my son and Patwardhan and changed the mood immediately.” If he was in the poor mood He will not see anybody. Sri Khasparde writes on 10th of December 1911 “I made two attempts to see Sai Maharaj in the afternoon, But he was not in the mood to see anybody. I saw him in the evening near the Chawdi.” On 27th of December 1911 he writes that in the afternoon many people attempted to go to see Sao Maharaj but he was not inclined to speak and dismissed them soon.

Some time it was very difficult to interpret or understand Baba's behaviour. On 26th of December Mr Khaparde writes "I got up early and attended Kakadarti. Sai Maharaj was in rather unusa[ mood, took his stick and with it tapped the ground round about. By the time he descended the steps of Chawdi He walked twice backward and forward and used violent language.” On 14th of February 1912 it is mentioned in Khaparde’s diary "I got up early, attended the Kakad Arti and was very much struck by the fact that Sai Baba on leaving the Chawadi made passes with short stick towards the east, north and south. Then he proceeded with hard words as usual.” On 3rd January 1912 Sri Khaparde has entered in his diary "He was in a very pleased mood and laughed and abused in one and the same breath.” But his entire foul mood use to be for the benefit of mankind as is clear from the entry of 8th January 1912. The entry goes “During the mid day service after the Arti, Sayin Maharaj exhibited sudden and great anger and abused violently. It appears as if plague is likely to reappear here and Sai Maharaj is endeavoring to prevent its reappearance”. In the entry dated 11th January 1912 Sri Khaparde writes “Sai Baba was angry and threw away the Arti utensils and the dishes full of fruit brought by his worshippers. He lifted up Ram Maruti Baba who declared afterwards that he felt very happy and as if sent off to higher regions. Sai Maharaj also roughly handed one Bhagya and villager. Sitaram brought the Arti and we finished the Arti as usual, though in a hurried way. Martand, son of Mahalsapati, showed the great presence of mind and prevented confusion by directing that Arti should be finished when it had started. He did not show when Sai Baba Moved out of his usual place before finishing Sai Baba resumed his seat and all went much as usual except that Udi was distributed wholesale and not individually, He was not really angry of course and did the whole thing as a Lila". In 6th chapter of Sai Satcharita also there is mention of Baba's strange behaviour during repairs of the masjid . In 1911 Baba Devotee tried to renovate the masjid. At great expense, they got iron-posts, and pillars and trusses and started the work. At night, all the devotees worked hard and fixed the post; but Baba when he returned from Chawadi next morning, uprooted them all and threw them out. Once it so happened that Baba got very excited, caught a pole with one hand, and began to shake and uproot it, and with the other hand caught the neck of Tatya Patil. He took by force Tatya's Pheta, struck a match set it on fire and threw it in a pit. At that time, Baba's eyes flashed like burning embers. None dared to look at him. All got terribly frightened. Baba took out a rupee from his pocket and threw it there, as if it were an offering on an auspicious occasion. Tatya also was much frightened. None knew what was going to happen to Tatya, and none dared to interfere. Bhagoji Shinde, the leper devotee of Baba, made a little boldly advance, but he was pushed out by Baba Madhavrao was also similarly treated, he being pelted with brick-pieces. So all those, who went to intercede, were similarly dealt with. But after some time, Baba's anger cooled down. He sent for a shopkeeper, got from him an embroidered Pheta and Himself tied it on Tatya's head, as if he was being given a special honor. All the people were wondew struck to see this strange behavior of Baba. They were at a loss to know what enraged Baba so suddenly and what let Him to assault Tatya Patil, and why His anger cooled down, the next moment. Baba sometimes was very calm, quiet and talked sweet things with love but soon after, with or without any small pretext, used to get enraged.


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